Petra – Kalligrafin aus München

Petra - Calligrapher from Munich

Wir haben Petra, Kalligrafin aus München, in ihrem Atelier und in ihrer Ausstellung besucht.  Ihre Geschichte zeigt, wie ein kleiner Moment, eine zufällige Begegnung und ein Anruf das  Leben in eine ganz neue Richtung lenken kann.   Petra ist Dipl. Kommunikationsdesignerin und arbeitete jahrelang als Art Direktorin für Agenturen. Heute geht sie ihrer Leidenschaft als Kalligrafin…

Ji – Floristin in München

Ji - Florist in Munich

Ji's small flower shop ‘Chaska Nawi’ is located in a Munich street, between restaurants and offices. It smells of fresh flowers as you walk past. You simply have to stop and take a look in the lovingly decorated shop window. Ji has a very special flair for colour and aesthetics, which is reflected in her bouquets. We...

Pilates in München

Pilates in Munich

Iris works as a graphic designer in her own advertising agency ‘AGENTEN UND FREUNDE’ in Munich. Among other things, she designs games, books and catalogues and develops creative concepts for companies. The freelance graphic designer has her own Pilates studio in Munich's beautiful Schwabing neighbourhood. She and her colleague Julia showed us a range of exercises that are good for the body.